Electric Tankless Water Heaters for Whole House: How to Choose the Right One Complete Guide

Are you fed up of running out of hot water for your family? Electric tankless water heaters can help you solve this problem!

By providing a reliable, consistent stream of hot water, these appliances will make sure that everyone in your household has all the hot water they need. This guide will help you choose the right electric tankless water heater for your entire home.

This guide will provide information on electric tankless water heaters suitable for a whole house and how to select the right one. Tankless water heaters have become popular in homes because they can provide a constant hot water supply without the need of storing or re-heating water. They are energy efficient and do not take up much space, but they require careful selection so that you choose the one which meets your requirements.

The guide will start by discussing in detail how the tankless electric systems work and the features available with such heaters before exploring their advantages, disadvantages and helping you with tips on getting started with selecting one for your home. We will cover information about making sure you choose a model that has enough output for your home’s requirements; how to size it correctly; explaining available features such as temperature control, noise level, installation options and more. Lastly, we’ll look at maintenance requirements for keeping your unit running efficiently and safely.

Explanation of electric tankless water heaters for whole house

Electric tankless water heaters for whole house use electricity instead of gas to heat up water. They are more efficient than traditional tank-style water heaters and can provide a continuous supply of hot water to an entire household while reducing energy costs, greenhouse emissions and overall environmental impact. Tankless electric units come in a variety of styles, so understanding the different types is key to selecting the right one for your home.

Tankless electric water heaters use coils or heating elements to rapidly heat up cold water when it passes through the unit, rather than using stored hot water like a traditional tank-style heater. Electric tankless units typically provide a steady temperature of hot water that can be adjusted with the corresponding thermostat settings. This allows users to set their desired output temperature without sacrificing energy efficiency – which makes them great for both indoor and outdoor use.

These tankless systems can be installed in many different locations without taking up too much space as long as they are mounted on solid surfaces like concrete walls or foundations and away from areas prone to flooding or leaking. The system will require specific components that must meet local codes, such as shutoff valves, unions, connectors and safety devices like pressure relief valves, which need to be professionally installed by trained technicians. Any electrical wiring should also be done by professionals according to local codes and guidelines – usually involving connecting an exterior outlet dedicated solely to powering the heating unit itself.

Electricity use makes these units costlier than other types of tankless systems that rely on natural gas or propane heating methods; however, several features make them appealing for households seeking an energy efficient solution that reduces their carbon footprint. Less standby loss results in less wasted energy each month due to standing idle, since these models only run when it’s actually working and heating up cold water (compared traditional tanks with stored hot liquid inside). Because they don’t need fuel based on emissions sources like fossil fuels, they are also much more eco-friendly than other models available on the market with regards to greenhouse gases produced by burning things like natural gas or propane. Ultimately this helps reduce your overall environmental impact while providing superior temperature control options over many competitors out there today!

Importance of choosing the right one

Choosing the right electric tankless water heater for your whole house is an important decision, as it affects water use and energy efficiency for years to come. Fortunately, there are many options available today that offer a variety of features designed to make life easier, from smart control systems to advanced safety features. Before making your final selection, consider the following factors: size and capacity of the unit, installation costs and energy efficiency ratings.

In terms of size and capacity, you want to get a unit with enough heat output to meet the hot water demands of all the people in your home. To determine this requirement, consider factors such as how many bathrooms you have in your house, whether or not you have any showers that are frequently used simultaneously, or if everyone tends to take long baths or showers each day. It is best to err on the side of caution by getting a unit with more power than what your household typically needs; this results in less strain placed on the heater itself and can save you money over time.

Once you’ve chosen the right size and capacity for your tankless water heater unit, determining its installation cost is equally important. Since most electric tankless units need professional installation services due to their delicate electronic components and complex electronic wiring systems, we highly recommend consulting with a licensed installer beforehand. These professionals are trained professionals who know best what type of system would work in any given situation; they can also provide ideas on how best to maximize performance while keeping costs lower than installing an entire plumbing system from scratch.

Another factor worth considering when looking at electric tankless water heaters is their energy efficiency ratings (EER). This rating reflects the amount of electricity that the particular model will use compared to other units available on the market today; models with higher EERs tend be more efficient over time. Additionally Electric Tankless Water Heaters should also be inspected regularly by a professional licensed service contractor twice per year for optimal performance and durability over time.

Brief overview of the guide

This guide outlines the fundamentals of tankless water heaters and what makes them beneficial for a whole house. Included is advice on choosing the right model for your needs, along with tips on proper maintenance to keep your system running efficiently.

The guide will provide an overview of tankless water heater components and features, including: types of fuel sources; flow rates; temperature ranges; available outlets/connections; size requirements; certifications/standards; installation guidelines; warranties and service plans; safety considerations and more.

It will also list some key points to remember when selecting a unit: affordability, lifestyle, fuel type, power source, number of users accessing hot water simultaneously (demand), and energy efficiency rating.

Finally, the guide offers maintenance tips to ensure that your tankless water heater will continue to perform optimally over its lifetime. These include flushing tanks regularly, replacing faulty parts as soon as possible and being aware of any changes in water quality or temperature change when using the system.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Electric Tankless Water Heater

When choosing an electric tankless water heater, several factors should be considered to ensure that you purchase the best model for your needs and budget. Here are some of the main factors to consider:

-Size and Output: The size and output of an electric tankless water heater will determine how much hot water is available at once and how quickly it can be heated at once. For a large family or for a home with multiple bathrooms, a larger model may be necessary to keep up with demand. Additionally, if you’re looking for a unit suitable for heating up a large pool or hot tub, then you will need to select one with higher output.

-Heat Source: Electric models can use either gas or electricity as their heat source. Gas models are typically more efficient than electric models and tend to last longer; however, they can require more maintenance than electric units in terms of cleaning and servicing. Electric tankless heaters usually work better in regions where natural gas is not available or economical.

-Efficiency Rating: Efficiency ratings measure how much energy is required to provide continuous hot water at any given temperature. The higher the rating, the lower the energy use over time—but this rating may vary depending on the specific model being used. Additionally, it’s important to note that not all models offer an efficiency rating so be sure to check before selecting one.

-Costs & Installation: The cost of an electric tankless water heater depends largely on the power source chosen as well as any installation fees associated with it. It’s important to account for these costs when budgeting for such a purchase as some can exceed tens of thousands of dollars when taken into consideration as well as any technical installation complications that might arise from individual installations (elevated floors, tight spaces). It’s always beneficial to consult a professional about installation costs before purchasing if possible.

Size: ensuring the right size based on household needs and available electrical capacity

For electric tankless water heaters, the power consumption and size, as well as the flow rate requirements of a household, should be considered carefully before selecting a water heater. The size of an electric tankless water heater is determined by its flow rate, which is measured in gallons per minute (GPM). Depending on the hot water demands of different family members and appliances within a home, different sizes might be required. In order to determine adequate size for electric tankless water heaters, it is important to add up the flow rate requirements resulting from simultaneous hot water uses such as dishwashers, shower heads and laundry machines.

Not only must an electric tankless water heater be large enough to meet household demands, but the electrical capacity must also be sufficient enough to operate it properly. The total output of all appliances running in a home at any given time must not exceed 80% of the emergency switch or panel amperage rating when using an electric tankless water heater with standard household wiring intended for 120-volt connection. Therefore it is important that you calculate both GPM flow requirements and electrical capacities before purchasing a unit; this will allow you to buy an electric tankless water heater that meets your needs without overloading your system.

Energy efficiency: comparing energy ratings and efficiency of different models

The energy efficiency of electric tankless water heaters is determined by their ability to convert electricity into usable hot water. To choose the model that offers the most efficient performance for your household, an analysis of Energy Factors (EF) must be conducted.

There are two types of Energy Factors used to compare the performance of electric tankless models – Gallons Per Hour (GPH) and Energy Factor (EF). GPH measures how many gallons of hot water can be produced in one hour using the same amount of energy. The higher the GPH, the less energy is required to operate your unit. EF measures how efficiently a given model converts electricity into usable hot water. EF is expressed as a percentage, with higher scores indicating more efficient units.

It’s important to compare several tankless models from different manufacturers and look for details such as manufacturer warranties and product specifications. Models with higher GPH ratings can produce more hot water in less time, requiring shorter wait times for warm showers and reducing overall energy costs. In addition, many tankless models come with built-in safety features like backup thermostats that limit showers to a safe temperature range. Comparing these ratings will help you understand the benefits and drawbacks of each model and make an informed decision about which one is best suited for your household needs.

Temperature control: understanding the importance of temperature control and selecting a model with accurate temperature control

When choosing an electric tankless water heater for whole house usage, temperature control is an important factor to consider. Proper temperature control ensures you always receive the hot water you desire. As with any other product, some models offer more accurate temperature control than others. When researching a new hot water device, make sure to pay attention to the temperature control capabilities.

Accurate temperature control is important for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it is essential for safety and prevents your home’s occupants from being scalded or burned by too-hot water coming out of a faucet or showerhead. Additionally, accurate temperature control helps ensure that your showers and other water-filled activities are enjoyable and comfortable. Finally, accurately controlling the water’s temperature can help maximize energy savings by conserving energy spent heating up hot water that is not actually needed or used.

When considering an electric tankless water heater for whole house use, be sure to pay close attention to the temperature controls on the device in question. Temperature accuracy can depend on many factors including input power rating, flow rate, lever setting and most importantly – accurate electronics within the unit itself. Many of today’s models offer a built-in digital display which indicates exact degrees Fahrenheit and/or Celsius along with a wide range of precision settings such as 1/8th degree increments or better – depending on the model type selected. Doing your research ahead of time will help you make sure you select only those electric tankless models that have all the necessary features available in order to meet your needs exactly!

Maintenance requirements: considering maintenance needs and frequency

It is important to consider how much maintenance your electric tankless water heater will require and how often it needs to be serviced, as this can affect the life of your unit and the amount of money you’ll spend in order to keep it running efficiently.

The best way to make sure that your tankless water heater is running efficiently and properly is to have it serviced by a qualified HVAC technician at least once every year. This maintenance can help you detect any issues with the unit before you have a major problem on your hands. Regularly scheduled maintenance may also help extend the life of your system, lowering repair costs over time. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that all valves, inlet screens, electrical connections and pipes are inspected at least once a month for any damage or leaks. Failing to do so could reduce the efficiency of your unit or cause serious water damage.

An additional cost that should be taken into consideration when selecting a tankless electric hot water system is the cost of operating and maintaining the whole house unit designs which tend to be more complex than their single point-of-use counterparts.. Whole house electric tankless water heaters require an upgraded electrical panel in many cases because they draw much higher levels of electricity than standard units. Depending on regional code requirements, changes may need to be made such as upgrading wiring or even adding fuses inside component boxes manufacturer set up boxes for additional protection against damage caused by surges or other power issues due to power spikes or lightning strikes in your area. All these additional components increase both initial and long term costs involved with owning an oversized whole house system than what would normally be associated with similar sized we traditional storage tank models .

An Introduction to Tankless Water Heaters

Installation Process and Cost

The installation process and cost of an electric tankless water heater can vary drastically by location and complexity. A licensed contractor will be needed as this is a complex installation requiring wiring, plumbing, and venting knowledge that are specific to the model being installed. It is best to contact a licensed HVAC professional to evaluate your home’s specific needs and help you choose the right model with expert advice.

Based on your location and the specifics of your property, there could be additional requirements for output (BTU) or electrical requirements for complete operation of your unit. An HVAC technician can provide you with comprehensive estimates on installation costs based on the size of the unit and any additional required components.

In general, whole house electric tankless water heaters may need extra wiring for efficient operation, which could require 2 – 4 x 40-amp double pole breakers operating at 240 V or 2 -4 x 50-amp double pole breakers operating at 208 V. You will also need sufficient flow throughout your existing plumbing system to reach adequate levels for maximum efficiency from your new unit. Lastly, regular maintenance is recommended to optimize performance over time and check that all components are functioning properly in order to keep everyone in your household safe.

Explaining the installation process for electric tankless water heaters

Selecting and installing an electric tankless water heater requires some specific steps. Careful consideration and attention to detail is necessary in order to make the best choice for your home. This guide provides a comprehensive look at the installation process from start to finish.

  1. Choose the Correct Type of Electric Tankless Water Heater: Before beginning the installation process, it’s important to determine which type of tankless water heater is best suited for the home. Electric tankless water heaters come in a wide variety of models, ranging from compact portable units to whole-house systems that supply hot water on demand with no advance warning or warm-up time required.
  2. Measure Hot Water Demand: An important part of ensuring that a tankless water heater functions as expected is accurately determining the current hot water needs of a home, as well as any potential future changes such as additional fixtures being added or usage needs increasing due to increased family size. This estimation process should account for both peak and average daily hot water requirements, in order to ensure that enough capacity exists within the chosen tankless system.
  3. Select Suitable Sizing: The sizing selection process is necessary in order to choose an appropriately sized electric tankless water heater that has enough power and capacity to meet all present and future demand without running out or underperforming expectations during prolonged periods of use. The sizing should also take into account any potential swings in temperature caused by location changes or other external factors; proper sizing also helps maximize energy savings generated by switching over from stored tanks with limited supply requirements per hour, which subsequently leads to fewer charges on electricity bills.
  4. Choose Electrical Service Requirements: The selection of electrical requirements will be dependent on not just choosing a size but also selecting suitable electrical service; this should include appropriate circuit breakers that can safely handle peak wattage levels when needed, any associated wiring requirements, circuits for controlling voltage drops during high demand times, safety switches for grounding faults etc.. It’s important therefore not just ensure you get the right size unit but also double check all your equipment (wiring patterns etc) are compliant with local codes and regulations while taking into account external factors such as weather conditions so a safe working environment can be maintained throughout its life span without impacting performance levels.
  5. Review Your Installation Plan: After selecting all relevant materials, it’s critical to review your installation plan before actually starting it; this includes double checking connections between fixtures & power sources match up correctly & verifying all associated wiring diagrams meet local code specification. This review step should identify any risks ahead of time enabling quick resolution prior commencing work. Once complete, double check any mounting hardware used is properly secured (followed manufacturer guidelines) & its functionality assessment conducted post set up; then re evaluate after few weeks operation so minor adjustments made if/when needed.

Factors affecting installation cost

Installation of a tankless water heater can be an expensive undertaking, especially if you are working with an existing structure. Depending on your setup, there are several factors that will affect the cost of your installation and the amount of time it will take.

First and foremost, access to electricity is important. You may need to run electrical cables or even add additional circuits to power the tankless water heater. You also will have to consider any necessary venting and piping work required for installation. Depending on the configuration of your home’s plumbing system, additional plumbing work may be necessary for installation as well.

Also bear in mind that some municipalities may require special permits for installing a tankless water heater — check with your local building code enforcement agency first! Finally, if you live in an extremely cold climate (below freezing), it’s important to take into account potential freeze protection measures need thus increasing installation costs.

Cost comparison with traditional tank water heaters

When it comes to choosing a whole house electric tankless water heater, there are many factors to consider. In addition to energy efficiency, another important factor that many homeowners consider is cost comparison with traditional tank water heaters.

Tankless water heaters offer greater energy efficiency compared to traditional tank-type units due to the fact that they only heat water when needed and not constantly. This can save you money in the long run since you won’t have to keep the tank filled with heated water. Even so, tankless hot water heaters can still cost significantly more up front than power-vent or traditional storage-tank models.

When making a comparison of costs between electric tankless hot water heaters and conventional storage tanks, there are several factors that you should consider. Upfront costs and monthly energy expenses are important considerations when comparing operating costs for individual units. It’s also important to factor in the installation cost of each unit as well as any additional adjustments that may be needed on the existing plumbing system for the new appliance installation.

The timing of replacement, along with any accessories or upgrades required for the new system should also be considered when making your decision on whether or not an electric tankless system is right for your home or business space. Additionally, maintenance costs associated with both systems should also be taken into account when determining which one best fits within your budget.

Explaining the advantages of tankless water heaters to customers |  2020-10-29 | Plumbing & Mechanical


To conclude, when shopping for a tankless water heater, it is important to consider the size and quality of the unit you are buying. If you are considering a whole house system, you should make sure your unit’s insulation is adequate, that it meets all safety standards, and that it has a long life expectancy with low maintenance cost.

Additionally, it is important to purchase from a reliable source that provides good customer service and offers warranties on their products. Finally, make sure to install the electric tankless water heater according to manufacturer’s instructions so that it functions properly and efficiently for many years.


How to choose an electric tankless hot water heater?

To choose an electric tankless water heater, consider factors such as the size of your household, the flow rate of hot water you need, the unit’s energy efficiency, and your budget.

What size electric tankless water heater do I need for my house?

The size of an electric tankless water heater needed for your house depends on the number of bathrooms, the number of people in your household, and your hot water usage patterns. It’s best to consult a professional for a proper sizing recommendation.

Can an electric tankless water heater run a whole house?

Yes, an electric tankless water heater can run a whole house, but it needs to be properly sized to meet the hot water demands of the household.

What is one disadvantage of a whole house tankless water heater?

One disadvantage of a whole house tankless water heater is that it may require a higher upfront cost compared to a traditional storage tank water heater.

Which type of tankless water heater is best?

The best type of tankless water heater depends on your needs and preferences. Gas-powered tankless water heaters are generally more powerful and efficient, while electric tankless water heaters are more compact and easier to install.

What size tankless water heater is recommended?

The recommended size of a tankless water heater depends on the flow rate of hot water needed in your household, measured in gallons per minute (GPM). Again, it’s best to consult a professional for a proper sizing recommendation.

What size electric tankless water heater do I need for a family of 4?

The size of an electric tankless water heater needed for a family of 4 depends on your hot water usage patterns, but a typical recommendation is for a unit with a flow rate of 5-7 GPM.

What are the two types of tankless water heaters?

The two types of tankless water heaters are gas-powered and electric.

What can go wrong with a tankless water heater?

Common issues that can occur with a tankless water heater include inadequate hot water flow rate, mineral buildup, air flow issues, and electrical problems.

Which is better tankless or electric?

This is a bit of a confusing question, as electric tankless water heaters are a type of tankless water heater. However, in general, gas-powered tankless water heaters are more powerful and efficient, while electric tankless water heaters are more compact and easier to install. The choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.

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